Myanmar: Garment workers strike for wage increase
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Date Reported: 2 Июн 2023
Местонахождение: Мьянмы
JD Sports Fashion - Reported buyer , Regatta - Former buyer , Popular Garment/Beaume International Garment - Supplier , Lidl - Former buyer , Jeans Fritz - Buyer , Iturri - BuyerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 885
Рабочие: ( 885 - Location unknown , Одежда и текстиль , Gender not reported )Темы
Нищенская зарплата , Справедливая и равная заработная плата , Чрезмерные производственные планы , Охрана труда и безопасностьОтвет
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Принятые меры: Popular Garment allegedly supplies or has supplied to to Lidl, Regatta and JD Sports; Regatta stated it does not have current business with the factory in response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. JD Sports previously stated in 2022 that it had not proceeded with production at the factory after authorisation. Lidl has previously stated that it had stopped business with the factory from September 2021. In September 2024, Iturri and Jeans Fritz were invited to respond. They did not.
Вид источника: News outlet
“Popular International Garment factory workers' strike increased by 5,600. Settlement”, 2 June 2023
…workers at the Chinese-owned Popular International Garment garment factory requested an increase of 5,600 kyats.
"…The day fee is increased by 5,600, the [overtime] fee is increased by 1,400, and the daily fee is increased by 7,000," said a worker who participated in the strike request.
The workers of the factory, like other factories, asked the factory officials through the WCC to increase the day wages by 5,600 and also to increase the very low daily wages. When they made such a request, the factory manager said that "no factory can be increased until the government gives an increase", so the entire factory stopped working on June 1 and demanded a strike.
Popular International Garment factory employs 35 men… with a total of…850 women workers. Workers [asked the factory] to[:] raise their daily wages from 4,800 kyats to 5,600 kyats[;]to increase the overtime fee and regular daily fee of 40,000 kyats[;] to increase the level by…5,000 kyats for 1 year of seniority[;]To arrange shuttle vehicles...[;] To set [targets] that workers can [meet]. They started asking for hot and cold water machines on June 1.
The workers' request was presented to the employer….at the office of the Township Labor Relations Department on the evening of June 2…It is reported that a settlement was reached through the negotiation of the workers…
[Translation via Google Translate]