Myanmar: Workers allege range of abuses at Lucky Fortune Garment
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Date Reported: 11 Окт 2024
Местонахождение: Мьянмы
LPP Spółka Akcyjna - Buyer , Sinsay (part of LPP S.A.) - Buyer , Workman - Buyer , Auchan - Former buyer , LC Waikiki - Buyer , Inditex - Former buyer , Zara (part of Inditex) - Former buyer , Pull & Bear (part of Inditex) - Former buyer , Myanmar Lucky Fortune Garment - Supplier , Encuentro - Buyer , Stradivarius (part of Inditex) - Former buyer , Bestseller - Reported buyer , ONLY (part of Bestseller) - Reported buyer , InExtenso (part of Auchan) - Former buyerЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: 900
Рабочие: ( 900 - Location unknown , Одежда и текстиль , Gender not reported )Темы
Отказ в отпуске , Охрана труда и безопасность , Кража зарплатыОтвет
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Принятые меры: Myanmar Lucky Fortune Garment allegedly supplies to or has supplied to, Auchan (for Inextenso), LC Waikiki, LPP (for Sinsay), Workman, Encuentro, Inditex (for ZARA, Pull&Bear and Stradivarius) and BESTELLER (for ONLY); Auchan, LPP and Workman provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. LC Waikiki and Encuentro did not. Auchan stated it had ceased operations with the factory, and its last orders were in October 2024. LPP stated the alleged abuses were at a Lucky Fortune unit that it does not cooperate with. Inditex has previously stated it no longer sources from the factory and has left Myanmar. BESTSELLER has previously stated it does not source from the factory.
Вид источника: News outlet
"Workers demand no pay cuts for Thadingyut without their consent"
LUCKY FORTUNE GARMENT workers say that the bosses are demanding that the workers start paying for the upcoming Thadingyut period, and that they are not getting equal rights in the workplace.
The factory, located at No. --, Saya U Htun Street, Shwe Pyi Thar Industrial Zone 4, Insein Township, Yangon Region, employs more than 900 workers .... It is said that LCW VISION, ENCUENTRO, and other brands are being manufactured.
There is no labor union at the factory, but the WCC was formed, but the workers who tried to stand up for the workers had to leave the job because of pressure.
In addition, there is an excessive demand for fabric [targets], and the machine line with 44 workers... is set to sew 40 fabrics every 40 minutes, and for pants, it is up to 70 fabrics. If the fabric [targets] are not met, the super[visors] are rude and abusive, and they are forced to work harder, said a worker ... who did not want to be named.
"Even when it comes to the leave that workers are entitled to, not all workers are entitled to the same leave. Whether it is casual leave or medical leave, only those who are super-friendly are allowed. Any worker who says anything to the super[visor] is not allowed to do anything. If they miss a day on leave, they are paid. If they miss a day, they are deducted from their daily allowance and allowance of 7,500 kyats and their regular salary of 40,000 kyats. It is unfair," the worker said.
If there is any injury in the workplace, the worker has to pay for medical treatment, and the employer is not responsible for it, he said.
"They collected 18,000 kyats from each worker's salary without asking the workers' consent, and they forced them to collect it. When they received donations for the flood, the workers contributed as much as they could. At that time, they did not report the amount of over 200,000 kyats. They only donated goods, but they did not find any donations. Please solve it," the worker said.
The workers said that they want the following points to be resolved ...
The demands are:
- Allow workers to enjoy equal leave and medical benefits to which workers are entitled.
- Do not curse, shout, or speak rudely...
- Do not deduct money from workers' salaries without their consent to kick them out.
- Explain to workers the donations collected for the flood.
- Workers demand no pay cuts for Thadingyut without their consent ...
[Translation via Google Translate]