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Part of the following timelines
Cambodia: Union members arrested & convicted after leading strike; NagaWorld casino announces layoffs and slashes pay, despite profitable year
Cambodia: About 40 NagaWorld Union's members gather in front of the Labour Ministry to seek intervention and solutions to their three-year long labour disputes
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Naga World union leader released from prison after serving her two-year imprisonment term; she remains committed to promoting labour rights
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: 50 CSOs call for justice for Naga World union and urge govt. & authorities to stop harassing unionists after Supreme Court's guilty verdict
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Defense lawyers for jailed Naga World union leader urge the Supreme Court to overturn her guilty verdict over its legal flaws
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Jailed union leader wins human rights award from Sweden
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld unionists continue to seek intervention from the Ministry of Labour by submitting a new petition
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Grassroots CSOs and union leaders gather in front of prison to call for the release of jailed NagaWorld union leader
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld unionists continue to demand justice after prolonged strike despite judicial & non-judicial attacks on their leaders
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Phnom Penh Appeal Court uphold guilty verdict against Naga World union leaders
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Phnom Penh Court sentence Naga World Union's leader to 2 years in prison on incitement charges along with her fellow unionists
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Phnom Penh Court conclude trial hearing of Naga World union's leaders and members with controversy over evidence as closing arguments near
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: As civil society calls for release of union leader and members of NagaWorld; Ministry of Justice & govt.-based human rights committee rebuff the call
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Human Rights Watch calls for release of union president Chhim Sithar
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Incitement trial hearing of Naga World union leaders enters 2nd day; union leaders continue to defend the legality of the strike in industrial action
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Phnom Penh Court hear incitement charges against NagaWorld union leaders; union's president remains in detention
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Jailed NagaWorld union leader Chhim Sithar wins prestigious annual Human Rights Defenders award from US Department of State
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld union leaders accuse ABA Bank of abusing policies by blocking members' overseas transactions; Bank spokesperson denies and says client's information cannot be disclosed
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Union leaders claim ABA Bank block their overseas money transfers to support unemployed strikers
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Court deny NagaWorld union leader's bail request after being re-arrested and detained following her return from Australia
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld union's leaders who are on bail request court to detail them their bail conditions after one of their leaders is re-arrested for alleged bail violations
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Naga World unionists protest against court's decision to deny bail for their leader while labour disputes continue unresolved
Cambodia: Naga World union's representatives ask for a delay in questioning at court after their leader arrested over the weekend
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: US urge for release of union leader Chhim Sithar after she is arrested following her return from overseas trips and call for labour disputes to be solved peacefully
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: 69 CSOs call for release of Naga World union's leader and call on govt. and employers to respect labour rights
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Naga World union's leader arrested after returning from Australia; authorities claim she violates overseas travel ban
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Phnom Penh Court question another Naga World's unionist following criminal complaint by company unions have been protesting against
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Phnom Penh Court question two Naga World's unionists following criminal complaint filed by company
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Four female NagaWorld union strikers face criminal lawsuits filed by company while carrying out an ongoing strike
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: As a labour dispute between Naga World and employees drags on, union's strike turns violent
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Human Rights Watch says Japanese govt. should push Cambodian authorities to stop using Japan-funded public buses to forcibly remove striking workers from NagaWorld Casino laid-off; incl. Japan International Cooperation Agency comment
Cambodia: Minister of Labour warns union leader of supporting Naga World's workers after accusing her of illegal activities
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Unions plan to organize gatherings to show support for NagaWorld union strikers involved in an industrial action after leaders are linked to incitement
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Naga World union leaders seek intervention from Prime Minister after failures to reach solutions with company via Labour Ministry
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Company and union fail to reach a solution following a series of negotiations as numbers of workers who refuse to accept compensation drop to 181
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld union members vote to elect new leadership amid ongoing labour dispute with company
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld's labour dispute remains unresolved as Govt. and company recognise new union formation
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Eight Naga World union leaders released on bail after Govt.'s intervention while labour dispute continues without solutions
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: High Commissioner for Human Rights criticises authorities' use of COVID-19 measures to restrict strikers' freedoms as govt. set to discuss the issue
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Naga Corp set deadlines for striking workers to return to work while an ongoing strike is met with crack-down by authorities
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: UN human rights experts criticise govt. of unjustified COVID-19 measures against union members and strikers in a labour dispute
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Human Rights Watch claim authorities use COVID-19 measures to restrict freedoms and rights of Naga World's employees and union members
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Three Naga World's union members are questioned over violating Law on COVID-19 Measures after over 40-day strike on an industrial action
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: As govt. use COVID-19 measures to halt union's strike, global unions show solidarity and support via protests and campaigns overseas
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Naga World union members arrested on potential charges of 'obstructing COVID-19 measures'; four women strikers face arrest
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Naga World casino reports losses in profit to justify its mass layoffs; NGOs claims it is unacceptable while BHRRC concerns about attacks on HRDs
Доступные языки: English -
NagaCorp did not respond
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld union members call on govt. to release their representatives to resume negotiations
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: ILO send letter to Prime Minister to express concerns over arrests of Naga World union leaders & call for their releases & respect for freedom of association
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Police crack down on protesting casino workers after Hong Kong-listed NagaCorp announces mass lay-offs
Cambodia: UN human rights experts say arrests of Naga World's unionists may amount to human rights law violations & call on the govt. to explain the actions
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: 119 CSOs call on govt. to release Naga World union leaders and members as the strike continues
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Authorities arrest NagaWorld union leader and two senior members after 15-day strike; NGOs are accused of illegally funding union's activities
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Phnom Penh Court question six union members while four remain at the police facility; 10 union members arrested after 13-day strike at NagaWorld
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Police arrest at least 9 women union members leading NagaWorld strike demanding reinstatement of dismissed unionists; authorities claim the strike is illegal
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Hundreds of dismissed employees and union members go on strike to demand solution from company
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: 59 CSOs call on govt., company, and relevant parties to a labour dispute at NagaWorld to negotiate in good faith & find peaceful solution
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Meeting between union leaders representing laid-off employees and govt. fails to reach solution; union's mass gatherings to protest for solution will go ahead
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: 25 CSOs express disappointment with company over mass lay-offs; union members are mostly affected
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Union says employers terminated by company plan to go on strike after labour disputes remain unresolved; terminated employees are union members
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld unions appeal against Arbitration Council's decision on non-ruling mass layoff
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Arbitration Council decide not to intervene in mass lay-off of NagaWorld Casino's workers; unions and labour rights decry the decison
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: 73 CSOs call on the govt. & NagaWorld to negotiate with unions to find an amicable solution; while company intends to lay off workers & unions
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld plan mass lay-off of workers and employees including union members while still making millions in profits
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: NagaWorld’s Union Leaders Receive Dismissal Notices
Доступные языки: English -
NagaWorld did not respond to allegations of union-busting, partial salary payments and unfair dismissals
Доступные языки: English -
Cambodia: Casino slashes 1329 jobs and redundancy pay during pandemic, despite profits
Доступные языки: English
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