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8 Окт 2015

GreenBiz (USA)

Novo Nordisk explains how it will integrate UN Sustainable Development Goals into its activities

"Novo Nordisk: Our take on the Sustainable Development Goals", 6 Oct 2015

...The list of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will impact the way we do policy and business...Global Opportunity Network asked Novo Nordisk, a Danish-based global healthcare company with more than 90 years of innovation and leadership in diabetes care, about what the SDGs means to its work and how they may represent an opportunity...[R]eporting on progress with regards to adopting the SDGs will find its place as an integrated part of the company's future reporting strategy...The company is prepared to use the SDGs as a compass and integrate them into its current and future business activities...SDG No. 17 recommends the use of partnerships as a means of supporting the other 16 goals...Stormer...refers to the need to move from transactional to transformational partnerships...[where] parties each invests — whether money, expertise or both — to realize a shared goal...
