WWF has launched its global Power Switch! public campaign aiming to persuade the power sector to become carbon neutral...The overall goal is to stimulate the use of renewable energy sources (RES) and gas-CHP [Natural Gas-fired Combined Heat and Power] for electricity production. [refers to DEH (Public Power Corporation [Greece]), British Energy, EDF, EDP (Electricidade de Portugal), Electrabel, Elkraft, Endesa, Enel, E.ON, ESB (Electricity Supply Board [Ireland]), Essent, Fortum, Iberdrola, International Power, RWE, ScottishPower, Statkraft, Union Fenosa, Vattenfall, Verbund, RAO UES, AEP (American Electric Power), AES, Allegheny Energy, Alliant Energy, Ameren, CenterPoint, Cinergy, CMS Energy, Constellation Energy, Dominion Resources, DPL (Dayton Power and Light), DTE Energy, Duke Energy, Edison International, Entergy, Exelon, FirstEnergy, FPL Group, Mirant, PG&E, PPL, Progress Energy, PSEG, Southern Company, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), TXU, Westar Energy, Wisconsin Energy, Xcel Energy, Hydro-Québec, Ontario Power Generation, CS Energy, Delta Electricity, Eraring Energy, Loy Yang Power (joint venture NRG Energy, Horizon Energy [Australia], CMS Energy), Macquarie Generation, Stanwell, Tarong Energy, Western Power, Chugoku Electric Power, EPDC [Electric Power Development Company], Hokkaido Electric Power (HEPCO), Japan Atomic Power Co (JAPC), Okinawa Electric Power, Shikoku Electric Power, Chubu Electric Power, Hokuriku Electric Power, Kansai Electric Power (Kepco), Kyushu Electric Power, Tohoku Electric Power, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco)]