Ответ компании
Petroperú's response on the allegations presented by the indigenous Peruvian communities of Block 95
- PERUPETRO is the State entity in charge of the administration and promotion of the country's hydrocarbon resources, the supervision of the contractual conditions of the Licence Contracts and the transfer of the royalty to the regions where the operations are carried out.
- PETROPERÚ is the state-owned oil company that carries out fuel commercialisation and refining activities. As of December this year, it has returned to the upstream in a lot in Talara where it produces 500 barrels. It is also in charge of the operation of the Norperuvian oil pipeline.
- The OEFA is the state entity in charge of overseeing and supervising companies' compliance with environmental regulations.
- In the case of Lot 95, the government, through the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) and the Social Management area of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, has been holding a series of meetings with community leaders to reach agreements and, on Wednesday April 6th, the PCM and the Ministry of Energy and Mines have managed to sign an agreement to set up a Technical Working Group to resolve the problems in the area, which has allowed the communities to lift their measures of force since the signing of the agreement. The Ministerial Resolution creating this working group was published yesterday, Thursday.
- The operator of Block 95, Petrotal, has already resumed operations. The production of this lot is important for the country and represents an important contribution of royalties for the Loreto region and municipalities, as well as generating economic movement for the area in need of economic income.
(Translated by the BHRRC)