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22 Мар 2023

Global Labor Justice, International Labor Rights Forum (GLJ-ILRF) - International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR)

Report: Thailand’s Poultry supply chain use SLAPPs & judicial harassment in the country

This report... highlights the continued use of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP suits) by Thammakaset Co., Ltd. to harass migrant workers, lawyers, journalists, and other human rights defenders, and presents evidence to suggest a possible relationship between the companies Betagro and Thaifoods Group and key individuals linked to Thammakaset through the new corporate entity...

... A lawsuit brought to intimidate, harass, and silence human rights defenders is known as a SLAPP suit.

While SLAPP suits are a favorite tool of businesses around the world, they have been particularly common in Thailand, where some of the highest numbers of SLAPP suits have been initiated by business actors worldwide.

... Thailand has a duty to protect the rights of these defendants, including by preventing such lawsuits from taking place through appropriate legal frameworks and providing remedies for when violations of these rights occur. In this case, Thailand must ensure that the defendants have access to an effective remedy that meets their needs and amend its laws to prevent future SLAPP suits from taking place.
