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Ответ компании

25 Сен 2023

Repsol's response to the report "Repsol: a catastrophe that could have been avoided"


We’d like to comment the next topics related to the content of the mentioned report:

  • The document shows biased and inaccurate information...is based mainly on a report issued by the Congress of the Republic of Peru, which is not a technical document...
  • About the cause of the spill, we’d like to specify that the subject is still under investigation by the relevant authorities. However, Prosecutor’s expert testing...indicates as first cause of the spill the rough movement of more than 80m of the vessel crashing into the terminal, causing forces that resulted in its breakage . This confirms the position of Repsol, when analyzing the geo-positioning of the vessel, its black box and several registries. No terminal of this type around the world is prepared for such an impact. No terminal of this type in the world is prepared for an impact of this magnitude...
  • We firmly deny the statements about alleged bad practices during the cleaning and remediation processes. The companies called for these tasks are among the most recognized ones worldwide regarding spill cleaning works...Currently, reports of the corresponding authorities indicate that areas already meet the environmental quality national and international standards (considering as reference the Canadian strict standards)...
  • The Mission Report elaborated by the Joint Environmental Emergency Unit (JEU) of the United Nations just three weeks after the accident happened, indicates in several paragraphs that the Company acted according to the international standards...
  • ...It needs to be highlighted that the vessel was not contracted by Repsol but by the oil supplier company...
  • ...The Contingency Plan implementation was done according to the procedures approved by the authority at the time...
  • Company decided to take care of all the consequences generated by the spill. To date, Company has allocated more than one billion of soles for the cleaning actions, remediation, and compensations. As results of all these addressed tasks, measurements taken by involved authorities...indicate that conditions meet the environmental standards. Analysis and measurements indicate that there is neither risk for fishing nor commercial activities...
  • ...Repsol hired an internationally renowned independent expert consultant, Akuaipa Transformation, to conduct a Human Rights Impact Assessment in accordance with our commitment to proceed with human right’s due diligence. This participatory analysis was carried out in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights...
  • Finally, we’d like to inform you that we’ve already compensated 97% of all the people affected identified by the Peruvian Government, which represent more than 10,000 people of a total of 10,300...


As we already have stated, we regret deeply what it occurred, and we understand the harsh times the citizens of the affected areas had. Today we continue focusing all our efforts on the compensation, recovery and, restoration of the economic activities of the areas.

