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Ответ компании

29 Июн 2020

Lydian International

Response by Lydian International

...For years, unchallenged misinformation and defamation disseminated by different groups negatively impacted thousands of Project stakeholders, including communities, employees, contractors, and suppliers. Thousands of people have lost jobs, livelihoods, and the ability to be able to sustain their families in their own communities due to unprecedented illegality lasting for over 2 years. Over 500 people have had to out-migrate from affected communities since the start of the illegal blockades of the Amulsar Project in 2018.

Lydian has always been considerate towards any environmental or social concerns expressed by any stakeholder.  For years any misinformation, or even defamation, expressed by groups opposed to the Amulsar Project has been addressed with science and patience.  Lydian has made comprehensive and consistent information disclosure, participated in countless discussions and interviews, and commissioned multiple technical reports provided by world-class experts which were made available to all...

Lydian has been wrongly accused of corruption and other crimes by persons opposed to the Amulsar Project. Since it is impossible to respond to accusations of crimes and allegations of corruption with science, Lydian has been left with no other recourse than to seek the assistance of the courts to stop the defamation and falsehoods...

[W]e believe that your readers will benefit from knowing that many community members claim that it is the activists and illegal blockaders that have consistently tried to silence the voice of the communities in support of the Amulsar Project.  Many community members supportive of the Amulsar Project report violations of their human rights, intimidation and even assaults by those opposed to the Project...  
