Shell Board case dismissal is a missed opportunity to hold company directors liable over climate change, says ClientEarth

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash
"ClientEarth v Board of Directors of Shell plc - Legal Briefing," 24 Jan 2024
This legal briefing sets out the basis of ClientEarth’s claim against Shell’s Board of Directors, by reference to the key claim documents.
We [ClientEarth] give an overview of the context in which the claim was brought, the reasons why ClientEarth alleged that Shell’s Board had breached its legal duties, and the findings of the High Court of England and Wales. We address each of the Court’s core findings in turn, and set out why ClientEarth believes that the dismissal of the claim is a missed opportunity.
The claim sought to hold Shell’s directors personally liable for failing to properly manage the material and foreseeable risks posed to the company by climate change. It was the first ever claim worldwide to seek to hold company directors liable for climate risk mismanagement.