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Ответ компании

13 Май 2024

Siemens response to ETI Sweden report on human rights risks linked to tram production


Siemens is committed to its obligation to comply with applicable law and to its responsibility as a company to respect human rights in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). We consider both to be essential elements of responsible business conduct. This is anchored in the Siemens Business Conduct Guidelines, which apply to Siemens employees and managers throughout the company. Part of the Business Conduct Guidelines is the prohibition of forced labor, which we strictly reject in all its forms.

Forced labor is also comprehensively prohibited for our suppliers. This applies to our company's suppliers worldwide. We oblige our company's suppliers to comply with this prohibition – in addition to other behavioral requirements – with the Code of Conduct for Siemens Suppliers. We use risk-based assessments and audits to check compliance with these obligations.

We follow up on indications of possible violations of the Code of Conduct by one of our company's suppliers in accordance with the UNGP and our legal obligations in this regard, namely the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

On Zhenjiang Siemens Busbar Trunking Systems Co. Ltd:

Siemens understands its responsibility as a company to respect human rights also regarding joint ventures within the meaning of the UNGP: Siemens has no management control over the joint venture mentioned in the ETI Report, in which Siemens has a stake. And we have no evidence that this joint venture could cause or contribute to adverse impacts on human rights through its activities, in this case with regard to forced labor in all its forms. Nor do we have any indications that any adverse impacts on human rights, in this case regarding forced labor in all its forms, could be directly linked to the operations of the joint venture, its products or services by its business relationships, without the joint venture itself contributing to any such impacts.
