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Ответ компании

5 Окт 2015


Türk Traktör response

"...Recently, our company has faced certain groundless allegations. It is our unyielding principle that all processes and procedures of Türk Traktör must be strictly compliant with all legislation applicable within the Republic of Turkey and international human rights principles. Türk Metal İş union has authority to conclude collective bargaining in our workplaces and trade union rights of our employees are secured and respected. Collective bargaining agreements which are in place in all our premises have been signed in 2014 and are valid for three years beginning on September 1st, 2014. As per applicable laws of the Republic of Turkey, possibility and right to go on strike is granted to those labor unions who have authority to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, during collective bargaining process. The demonstrations which took place in Turkey during the past few months, caused adverse effects for all parties in the metal sector, operating in Turkey..."
