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18 Июн 2019

UK: Fashion retailer Boohoo accused of refusal to recognise trade union despite commitment to do so; Incl. co. comments

UK fashion etailer Boohoo has been accused of refusing to recognise retail trade union USDAW, despite assurances that it would do so during a parliamentary inquiry on the fast-fashion industry in the UK, led by the Environmental Auditing Committee (EAC). In its evidence to the EAC, Boohoo committed to union recognition “if the workers would like it”.

In February 2019, the EAC released its findings in a report which highlighted labour abuses faced by garment workers in the UK producing for brands such as Boohoo, including illegally low wages and a lack of factory unionisation. Among its recommendations, the EAC recommended Boohoo engage with USDAW and to recognise the union for its workers. 

USDAW claims Boohoo has failed to meet with its representatives. It says that workers are being instructed to ignore union reps and staff are fearful they will lose their jobs if they engage with the union. In response, USDAW says it has stepped up its campaign for recognition and has had 'action' days in Manchester and Burnley. 

MPs have since written to Boohoo asking for a progress report after learning that the retailer has yet to met its commitments. 

Boohoo has responded that "employee engagement is high on [its] agenda", but maintains that "there continued to be no interest" from employees for union recognition. More comments from Boohoo are included in the articles below. 
