Ukraine: Yerystivsky Mining and Processing Plant fined for illegal waste disposal
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Date Reported: 2 Ноя 2021
Местонахождение: Украина
Ferrexpo plc - Parent CompanyПроекты
Yerystivsky mining and processing plant - OperationЗатронуто
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
Сообщество: ( Number unknown - Украина , Горнодобывающая промышленность , Gender not reported )Темы
Загрязнение почвы , Судебные и регулирующие действияОтвет
Response sought: Нет
Вид источника: News outlet
[Summary translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Resource Center]
Almost UAH 800 million in damages to be paid by Yerystivsky GOK for illegal waste disposal, November 02, 2021
The State Ecological Inspectorate has imposed almost UAH 800 million in damages on Yerystivsky Mining and Processing Plant for unauthorized seizure of about 160 hectares of land in Poltava region to dump waste generated by mining. The violations were discovered during a routine inspection of the company.