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11 Сен 2024

Robin Whitlog, Energías Renovables

UN panel unveils principles to guide the critical energy transition minerals

"UN-convened panel releases recommendations to guide the global energy transition", 11 September 2024

"With demand for minerals critical to renewable energy technologies expected to almost triple by 2030, a diverse expert panel, convened by the UN Secretary-General, has issued a set of recommendations and guiding principles for governments, industry and other stakeholders to ensure the opportunities of the global energy transition are pursued with equity, justice and sustainability.

The panel’s report – Resourcing the energy transition: principles to guide critical energy transition minerals towards equity and justice – identifies ways to ground the renewables revolution in justice and equity, so that it spurs sustainable development, respects people, protects the environment, and powers prosperity in resource-rich developing countries. The report puts forward recommendations for fairness, transparency, investment, sustainability and human rights, not just where minerals are mined, but along the entire minerals value chain, from refining and manufacturing, to transport and end-of-use recycling...

“The report makes recommendations on critical minerals, at a crucial time. This report identifies ways to ground the renewables revolution in justice and equity, so that it spurs sustainable development, respects people, protects the environment, and powers prosperity in resource-rich developing countries,” the Secretary-General said, adding that, “as next steps, I have asked the Co-Chairs and Panel to consult and share the report and its recommendations with Member States and other stakeholders ahead of COP29 later this year.”..."

The official report by the UN Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals, including its accompanying statement by the UN Secretary General, and its press release can be accessed here.
