U.S. to seek more fines in Gulf oil spill
The federal government will seek new penalties against BP, Transocean and Halliburton for alleged safety and environmental violations in connection with the 2010 Gulf oil spill, an Obama administration official said...Michael Bromwich, the outgoing head of the Interior Department's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, told reporters the government was on track to send notices of additional infractions of offshore drilling rules within the ''next several weeks.'' The three companies already face up to $45.7 million in fines for 15 previously alleged offshore safety and environmental violations. The government now is poised to build on the earlier cited infractions, which were tied to the conclusions of a joint oil spill probe conducted by the Interior Department and Coast Guard...Halliburton did not respond to requests for comment. BP and Transocean declined to comment. [also refers to Chevron]