Part of the following timelines
USA: Appeals court upholds jury verdict clearing Chevron in case alleging company's complicity in human rights abuses in Nigeria
Verdict clearing Chevron is upheld [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] Bowoto, et al. v. Chevron Corporation - Opinion
Доступные языки: English
См. полную историю
Chevron lawsuit (re Nigeria)
[PDF] Investor Statement for Human Rights and in Support of the U.S. Alien Tort Statute
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron Reaches End of Torture Liability Suit
Доступные языки: English -
Another Supreme Court boost for corporate unaccountability?
Доступные языки: English -
Plaintiffs in Bowoto v. Chevron Ask Supreme Court to Hear Case [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
Shortening the Long Arm of the Law [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
ERI Files Petition for Rehearing in Bowoto v. Chevron
Доступные языки: English -
Verdict clearing Chevron is upheld [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
Burden of proof at issue in Chevron-Nigeria appeal
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] Principles and Mechanisms to Hold Business Accountable for Human Rights Abuses: Potential Avenues to Challenge Corporate Involvement in Israel's Oppression of the Palestinian People
Доступные языки: English -
A Win for Wiwa, a Win for Shell, a Win for Corporate Human Rights
Доступные языки: English -
Lawsuits target oil company operations overseas
Доступные языки: English -
Pointed exchanges at Chevron annual meeting [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
Old law exhumed by fighters for human rights [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
Oil Industry Braces for Trial on Rights Abuses
Доступные языки: English -
Nigerians need not pay Chevron's trial fees
Доступные языки: English -
Nigerians appeal Chevron win of platform clash case
Доступные языки: English -
Five Tips to Avoid the Human Rights Litigation Trap
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron cleared in 1998 shootings at Nigerian oil platform
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron Wins an Alien Tort Statute Case - But the Victory May Be Less Important than It Might Seem
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron acquitté de complicité d'atteinte aux droits de l'homme au Nigeria
Доступные языки: français -
Chevron Case Weighs Extent of Overseas Liability
Доступные языки: English -
Attorney urges jury to find Chevron responsible for killings at oil platform
Доступные языки: English -
Trial gets underway in human rights case against Chevron
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron faces suit over Nigerian violence
Доступные языки: English -
Corporate Liability Key in Chevron Case [Nigeria]
Доступные языки: English -
Shell to Face Trial in US over Saro-Wiwa [Nigeria]
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] Corporate Human Rights Norms and the Clog of Limited Liability Within Corporate Groups: Towards an International Convention
Доступные языки: English -
Open Wounds - Big Oil and Big Mining face a host of allegations that they helped commit human rights abuses
Доступные языки: English -
Denial of Visas for Key Witnesses in Chevron Trial Angers Federal Judge [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron plays offense in wrongful death suit
Доступные языки: English -
N’Delta Killings: Chevron’s Trial Begins Sept in US [Nigeria]
Доступные языки: English -
International Finance Corporation Social Standards Fund Human Rights Abuses
Доступные языки: English -
Federal Judge Adds Torture and Cruel Treatment Claims to Upcoming Trial Against Chevron for Beating and Shooting of Nigerian Protestors
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] Bowoto v. Chevron Corporation: Order re Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment for the Remaining Federal Law Claims
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron CEO slams critics at meeting [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron should pay
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron profits shadowed by human rights complaints
Доступные языки: English -
"Systemic" Human Rights Abuses Dominate Chevron Annual General Meeting, Casting Shadow over CEO and Record Profits
Доступные языки: English -
Watchdog group says Chevron complicit in Myanmar
Доступные языки: English -
$16 billion environmental lawsuit tests Chevron
Доступные языки: English -
Nigerians pull half of claims in Chevron suit
Доступные языки: English -
To Avoid Risk of Alien Tort Claims Act Cases, Companies Must Improve Human Rights
Доступные языки: English -
US judge lets Chevron Nigeria lawsuit continue
Доступные языки: English -
Rulings on Chevron's Summary Judgment Motions
Доступные языки: English -
Labor Undeterred by Drummond Verdict
Доступные языки: English -
Suit against Chevron gets go-ahead [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
Stocks With Scruples
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron wins partial dismissal in Nigeria case
Доступные языки: English -
Federal Judge Finds That Chevron Covered Up Role in Human Rights Abuses in Nigeria
Доступные языки: English -
Dirty Oil: How it Pollutes Politics and Subverts Human Rights - An African Petroleum Tale: Nigeria
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] Extraterritorial Jurisdiction as a tool for improving the Human Rights Accountability of Transnational Corporations
Доступные языки: English -
Talisman Released From Genocide Case [USA/Sudan]
Доступные языки: English -
BP, Suncor, and Shell Top Oil Sector Sustainability Rating; Chevron and ExxonMobil Rank Low
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron fights rights abuse allegations
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron stands accused - did the oil giant pay troops who killed Nigerian villagers?
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron sees few faults in new report
Доступные языки: English -
Lack of Human Rights Policy Concerns Chevron Shareowners in Light of Unocal Merger
Доступные языки: English -
New Document Alleges Tie Between Chevron and Human Rights Abuses in Nigeria
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron documents show payments for attacks on Nigerian villages - As oil giant moves to take over Unocal, new evidences of human rights abuses
Доступные языки: English -
Chevron paid Nigerian troops after alleged killings - Villagers in lawsuit say 4 people died -- oil company questions if attacks took place
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] [Chevron response to AFL-CIO]
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] [AFL-CIO letter to Chevron posing questions regarding human rights policy, Unocal merger, Nigeria lawsuit]
Доступные языки: English -
Pirates of the Corporation - Holding American companies responsible for high crimes committed overseas
Доступные языки: English -
ChevronTexaco critics band together
Доступные языки: English -
A Big Win for Human Rights
Доступные языки: English -
The limits of human rights legislation [USA]
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] Oil and Human Rights
Доступные языки: English -
Oil firm reports on its record: ChevronTexaco says spills are down, but gas emissions up
Доступные языки: English -
Nigeria's Petroleum Industry Reeling
Доступные языки: English -
U.S. Courts Tackle Foreign Abuses - Energy corporations question 'law of nations'
Доступные языки: English -
Big Business Attacks ATCA in New York Times; ERI's Rebuttal
Доступные языки: English -
Victory in Bowoto v. ChevronTexaco: Court Allows Nigerian Plaintiffs' Claims to Proceed
Доступные языки: English -
Recent ATCA Cases Against Corporate Defendants
Доступные языки: English -
Courting Responsibility
Доступные языки: English -
Bowoto v. Chevron
Доступные языки: English -
[PDF] Community redress and multinational enterprises
Доступные языки: English -
Is ChevronTexaco liable for abuses in Nigeria? U.S. Court to Decide Whether San Francisco-Based Parent Company ChevronTexaco Can Be Liable For Military Attacks in Retaliation for Oil Protests In Nigeria
Доступные языки: English -
Litigation Update: A Summary of Recent Developments in U.S. Cases Brought Under the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Protection Act
Доступные языки: English
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