Kenya: Bishops ask government to support UN Binding Treaty on transnational companies
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Re-cap: 2020 negotiations over binding treaty on business and human rights
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Day 5 Summary: UN Treaty negotiations conclude without clear negotiated reforms, but expectations for next year remain high
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L’ONU poursuit les négociations sur les sociétés transnationales et les violations des droits humains
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Day 4 Summary: After a lively debate, agreement on third draft of UN treaty hangs in the balance
Video "#WhereIsTheEU?": NGOs criticise EU absence from Binding Treaty negotiations
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Day 3 Summary: As participation drops, some states attempt to water down key provisions
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Traité ONU sur les multinationales et les droits humains : 22 maires français appellent le gouvernement et l’UE à s’engager activement dans ce processus de négociation
Доступные языки: français -
Day 2 Summary: UN Treaty negotiations: clear divisions persist on victim’s rights and due diligence obligations
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Press statement of the Asia Task Force on the Legally-Binding Instrument (ATF) on 6th Session of the IGWG
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Day 1 Summary: UN Treaty on Business & Human Rights negotiations kick off amid major global uncertainties
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Irish Congress of Trade Unions urges government and the EU to engage constructively in upcoming treaty negotiations
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European Network of National Human Rights Institutions calls for greater involvement of EU & its Member States in binding treaty process
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Ghana: Civil society campaigns for government to support Binding Treaty process
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Press statement: African organisations push for a legally binding treaty on transnational corporations and human rights
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EU: 75 MEPs urge the Commission to adopt a negotiation mandate for the proposed binding treaty on business and human rights
Доступные языки: English
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