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Возражение НПО

12 Авг 2019

Whole Worker

Whole Worker rejoinder

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Amazon’s response is deeply bizarre, untrue, and borders on defamatory. The response fails to even acknowledge or address their union-busting training video. Amazon’s past assertion that the Gizmodo article simply “cherry-picked soundbites” is blatantly false. The video clearly attempts to train management in monitoring for “normal behavior” amongst employees as a way to look for union activity...

The video also clearly states that unionization can lead to inefficiency and even job loss. Both are frequently used as anti-union talking points and may be illegal...

Amazon appears to be defaming activists and its employees that are attempting to unionize by implying we could be or have been violent. Invoking the possibility of violence is another common union-busting tactic designed to spread fear by associating unions with organized crime and violence...

The only one engaging in workplace violence is Amazon by their continued disregard for the mental and physical health of their employees through its inhumane working conditions...

Lastly, the idea that a company once unionized somehow begins respecting the rights of workers is ludicrous. Unionized companies can be as virulently anti-union as non-union ones...
