Widow files $12M suit against mining company [Canada]
A Guatemalan woman has filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against Canadian mining giant HudBay Minerals, claiming it is responsible for the death of her husband. Angelica Choc filed the suit in a Toronto courtroom...Her lawyer, Murray Klippenstein, said she is taking the action because HudBay Minerals and the Guatemalan government have done little to arrest an alleged company employee accused of killing her husband [Adolfo Ich]...Ich and other Mayan leaders protested against the mining company for its forced evictions of families and for unresolved land claims...On Sept. 30, 2009, Ich was hacked and shot to death — allegedly by a private security guard employed by Compania Guatemalteca de Niquel, a subsidiary of Manitoba's HudBay Minerals — in front of witnesses following a protest in El Estor. No one has been arrested for the killing...An official with the mining company called the lawsuit "misconceived" and "without merit." John Vincic said HudBay's own investigation found that none of the company's employees were involved in the killing.