Wilmar affirms commitment to open, transparent & responsible practices
Wilmar...is aware of criticisms made by Friends of the Earth...regarding some of its operations in Africa…Prior to project commencement [in Uganda], there was extensive consultation with the affected communities, including public hearings. The project was initiated with support from the communities and local and district leadership…To the best of our knowledge, there was no compulsory acquisition of land, and all the land was acquired on a willing-buyer-willing-seller basis…There were no evictions of people on the land acquired for the project. Where it was not possible for the occupants to leave the land in question…no oil palm development took place…The project has provided an important source of development and income for the communities…Since project initiation, Kalangala has moved from bottom of the list in terms of economic development (71 out of 76) to among the top 10 districts in Uganda…