A year on, Gulf still grapples with BP oil spill
When a BP oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico last April, killing 11 workers, authorities first reported that no crude was leaking into the ocean. They were wrong…One year on, oil from the largest spill in U.S. history clogs wetlands, pollutes the ocean and endangers wildlife, not to mention the toll it has inflicted on the coastal economies of Florida, Mississippi, Alabama and especially Louisiana…[The] environmental damage…seems far less dire than the worst predictions, according to some Gulf residents and experts…"Fishermen are still worried that there's oil on the bottom of the Gulf…” said Errol Voisin, manager of the Lafitte Frozen Foods plant in Louisiana...BP…is upbeat about the Gulf's recovery. "We are absolutely confident that the water is safe…the seafood is safe and delicious and I hear fishing is excellent right now…" Mike Utsler chief operating officer of BP's Gulf Coast Restoration Organization wrote [on] Facebook.