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Şirketin Yanıtı

8 Şub 2021

Adani Group's response

In February 2021, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Adani Ports & SEZ Ltd. to respond. The response received is as follows:

The Adani Group’s vision is to help build critical infrastructure across key markets and help in propelling economic development and social impacts. As it is with all its international investments, the Adani Group has been guided by the Securities and Exchange Board of India and other key international principles.

The Adani Yangon International Terminal Co Ltd, a Adani Group company, received approval from the Myanmar Investment Commission for an investment in a new container port in the Yangon Region in 2019.  The Adani Myanmar Investment Commission is an entity of the Myanmar government that is governed by senior ministers and public servants including representatives of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Planning and Finance, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. It should be noted that the port operations in Myanmar are governed by the ministry of transport and communication (MOTC) and Myanmar port authority (MPA) which were both part of the civilian government which provided approval to this project.

Our investment is slated to usher development and create employment opportunities for the people in Myanmar. We categorically deny having engaged with military leadership while receiving this approval or thereafter. On the current development in Myanmar, we will align our future course of action with the directives of relevant stakeholders.

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