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15 Mar 2021

adidas' response

"adidas’ response to a request for Statement on Myanmar", 12 March 2021

Thank you for your recent email and invitation to provide BHRRC with a statement on Myanmar.

As you are aware, adidas has joined 47 other companies in signing a Statement by Concerned Businesses Operating in Myanmar calling for respect of individual rights to freedom of expression and a swift resolution of the current situation based on dialogue and reconciliation.

On March 5, 2021 we have also posted a standalone statement on our corporate website, detailing our concerns, and calling for an end to violence and a return to democratic norms and the rule of law.

adidas has no direct investments in Myanmar. We do, however, source products through six foreign-owned suppliers, the details of which are available here.

At present, the focus of our attention is on the safety and wellbeing of the workers employed in our suppliers’ factories, as well as the foreign nationals who oversee those manufacturing operations.

We are monitoring closely on-the-ground conditions and consulting widely with international agencies, business associations, trade unions and civil society.

Finally, I would stress that our efforts and actions are fully aligned with the recent MSO call for enhanced supply chain due diligence and responsible sourcing practices.

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