Artan Rama
On 26 November 2020, Albtek Energy filed a lawsuit against Artan Rama, an investigative journalist in Albania. The case centers on a story Rama published on 6 November 2020 in the online publication, called 'What lies behind the scenes of the second contract for the Elbasan incinerator' ('Prapaskenat e një kontrate të dytë për incineratorin e Elbasanit').The article sheds light on the behind the scenes that enabled the concession company "Albtek Energy" the right to use for extra 25 years, the plant for the production of energy from urban waste treatment in the city of Elbasan, beyond the 7-year term specified in the concession contract. In the lawsuit, the company claims that Rama's article makes 'prejudicial statements' unfounded. The company is demanding 300,000 lek (2,900 USD) for damages to its reputation, the retraction of the article, and compensation of legal costs.