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13 Mar 2023

Laura Husband, Just Style

Bangladesh: Apparel industry says buyers must offer fairer prices to protect workers' rights

"Bangladesh apparel industry urges fashion brands to offer fairer prices"

...at the Bangladesh Business Summit 2023 on 12 March ... panellists argued the improvements Bangladesh has made in terms of quality, product diversity and compliance require international apparel buyers to offer fairer and more ethical prices ... Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) president, Faruque Hassan ... told Just Style exclusively: “... The industry is taking a lot of initiatives to ensure workers’ rights and welfare. Moreover, the rise in prices of yarn, chemicals and other raw materials in the global supply chain have increased production costs in garment manufacturing. Besides, production cost has gone up due to increase in interest rate along with energy shortage and price hike ... It’s good to see our achievements being appreciated but prices offered by buyers don’t reflect that. Buyers need to be more rational in their pricing and buying practices in order to build a more resilient and sustainable supply chain. It will not only benefit the suppliers but also the workers employed in the industry. Fair prices would enable factories to make more investment in sustainability and workers’ wellbeing.”

... “Buyers hardly talk about the topic of fair product prices,” ...

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