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26 Oca 2024

New Age

Bangladesh: Garment workers protest over job cuts in the sector since the minimum wage increase

"Stop job cut in garment sector: labour leaders", 26 January 2024

Leaders of Garment Sramik Samhati on Friday at a protest rally in Bangladesh capital Dhaka alleged that garment factory owners had started job cut after implementation of wage board in workplaces.

Moreover, the garment workers were deprived from getting increased wage in the name of grading, they alleged.

Garment Sramik Samhati organised the rally in front of the National Press Club where its president Taslima Akhter chaired.

Taslima Akhter said that the garment factory owners had started job cut of the workers after implementing new wage board award in the factories.

According to the new wage board award, minimum wage was fixed Tk 12,500 per month which was not enough to run the families of the workers, she added.

General secretary of the organisation Babul Hossain, who got release in bail recently, said that many labour leaders were kept in jail for leading wage increase movements of the workers.

Moreover, four labour leaders were killed in police firing during the movements, he added.

He demanded sufficient compensations for the family members of the workers.

Central leaders of the organisation Anjan Das, Prabir Saha, Ziadul Islam, Rupali Akter and others spoke at the rally.

The rally was followed by a protest procession that paraded different city roads.

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