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5 Eki 2023

Apparel Resources News Desk

Bangladesh: Minimum wage board fails to reach decision for apparel workers

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"Meeting of minimum wage board for Bangladesh apparel workers ends sans decision, say reports", October 5 2023

The third meeting of the minimum wage board for readymade garment workers concluded recently without any concrete proposals from either party regarding minimum wage adjustments.

Additionally, the board, which was entrusted with the responsibility of establishing a new wage structure within six months after assuming its role on 9th April, is set to expire shortly.

Sources indicate that the board is currently seeking a 2/3-month extension of its tenure to allow for the declaration of minimum wages within this year.

Liaquat Ali Mollah, the chairman of the minimum wage board, expressed optimism and stated that they anticipate both owner and worker representatives will present proposals for minimum monthly wages during the upcoming meeting, expected to take place in the third week of this month.

Following the latest meeting held at the minimum wage board office in capital Dhaka, Mollah informed journalists that they anticipate approving the minimum wage for garment workers by mid-November, in consultation with representatives from all parties on the board.

He explained the delay in wage proposals was due to their visits to various garment factories in the country since the second meeting, where they engaged with owners and workers.

Mollah stated, “We have discussed these issues in today’s meeting, and both sides agreed that they would present their respective proposals on the same day.”

Md Siddiqur Rahman, representing the owners and former president of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), reported that they had recently visited various factories, prepared a summary, and will base their work on that summary.

He assured that they would determine the minimum wage within the year while safeguarding the interests of both owners and workers, considering the current circumstances. He also expressed the workers’ confidence in the board.

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