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11 Eki 2023

Mayu Saini, Sourcing Journal (USA)

Bangladesh: Workers rally at Rana Plaza over minimum wage increase

"Bangladesh workers rally at Rana Plaza Over Minimum Wage Increase", October 11 2023

Bangladesh minimum wage discussions are heating up in Dhakjira.

While wage board representatives met on Oct. 1—marking the six-month deadline to reach an agreement—a lack of proposals from either side extended the effort to come up with a new wage structure. 


On Sunday, Dhaka think tank Center for Policy Dialogue released its proposal with an apparel worker monthly wage recommendation of 17,568 taka, or approximately $160.

This is less than the 23,000 ($208.64) to 25,000 ($226.79) that labor unions want, with activists erecting blockades and protesting in Dhaka in recent weeks. The latest rally was staged Monday in front of Rana Plaza in Savar. 

Manufacturers aren’t happy that the number suggested by the think tank is more than double the present wage of 8,000 taka or $72.42. 


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