Brazil: After deadline closes, families affected by the Fundão dam collapse remain displaced and without compensation for their right to housing, says report; includes comments from Vale and BHP

Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB)
The report "Delays - Mariana MG Resettlement Delivery Report", prepared by the Committee of People Affected by the Fundão Dam (CABF), residents of the affected communities and the Technical Advisory team, and executed by Cáritas Brasileira Regional Minas Gerais, presents the considerations and dissatisfactions of the affected population regarding the delay in the conclusion of the reparation of the right to housing for the people affected in Mariana by the rupture of the Fundão tailings dam (November 5, 2015) of the companies Samarco, Vale, and BHP. According to the report, although the deadline set by Justice for the delivery of housing to families ended on February 27, but more than 500 families are still without housing. We invited Vale, BHP and Samarco to comment on the report, and the first two responded. Samarco did not return our contact.