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2 Ağu 2023

Fibre2Fashion News Desk

Cambodia: 7,696 workers from garments, footwear and travel goods sector lose jobs due to declining export demand

7,696 workers lose jobs in Cambodian RMG, footwear, travel goods units

"Declining export demand has led to another 7,696 workers from 15 factories in Cambodia’s garments, footwear and travel goods sector losing jobs, the ministry of labour and vocational training (MLVT) said in a notification yesterday.

MLVT had a few days back notified that 4,076 workers from eight factories in the sector had lost jobs.

These workers will be eligible for financial support for the period of suspension as per a government package announced in March this year...

Export slowdown has led to the closure of several factories and the loss of jobs for thousands in the sector, a Cambodian newspaper reported.

In the first half this year, export earnings from the sector declined by 18.6 per cent year on year, data from the general department of customs and excise showed...

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