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20 Oca 2020

Davin Sen, Khmer Times

Cambodia: About 1,000 garment workers go on strike to demand their missing wages

"Worker reps, factory management to meet today over missing wages", 20 January 2020

Representatives of workers and factory management are set to meet today after about 1,000 workers of Dignity Knitter Limited in Kandal province’s Sa’ang district went on strike to demand their missing wages.

Pin Sophea, president of the Coalitions of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Union at Dignity Knitter factory, said ... about 1,000 workers went on strike ... after the factory’s management team failed to pay their December wages and seniority pay which was due ...

“If the company shuts down or has a financial problem, it should at least pay their last wages and seniority pay according to the labor law,” he said.

Sou Sokcheat, one of the striking workers, said that factory management promised to pay their December wages ... but failed to do so.

“When they pay us late, it affects our living because we need to pay our rent, children’s school fees, electricity and water bills,” Ms Sokcheat said.

Lao Hot, chief of Dignity factory administration, ... said representatives of factory, workers, union leaders and labor officials will meet today to talk about missing wages...

Ms Sokcheat however added: “We will wait for the results of the negotiation [today]. If no deal is reached, workers will continue to protest.”

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