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13 Eki 2022

Apparel Resources

Cambodia: Orders from apparel buyers significantly drop in second half of 2022

"Cambodia’s garment industry on standstill due to lack of orders!", 13 October 2022

Signs of an impending recession and inflation in western countries are starting to show in Cambodia as, according to Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC), the orders from apparel buyers are significantly dropping in the second half of 2022.

According to recent report by Phnom Penh Post, Ken Loo, Secretary-General of GMAC, says that the internal survey showed around 170 factories partially suspended operations in September or reduced the working hours., affecting over 13,000 workers in the country.

The entire sector, consisting over 1,200 garment, travel goods and footwear manufacturers, employs about one million workers, making it the largest employment segment in the country...

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