Chevron Swats at Motion to Dismiss From Donziger [USA]
[A]ttorney Steven Donziger asked U.S. District Judge Edward Kaplan to dismiss [Chevron]'s racketeering claims against him for lack of standing...The oil giant had sued Donziger and others in February 2011, days before [Judge Zambrano] in…Ecuador, ordered it to pay billions for environmental damages brought by decades of oil drilling in the region...At trial, Chevron accused Donziger...of bribing judges, and said [Judge] Zambrano merely rubber-stamped the final ruling that Donziger and his co-counsel wrote. Donziger...has adamantly denied any wrongdoing, accused Chevron of corporate retaliation, and suggested in his motion to dismiss that Chevron lacks standing in the case...Long outspoken on the point that Kaplan will likely rule against him, Donziger has already tapped appellate counsel for a 2nd Circuit battle. That appeal is expected to question the bearing of Kaplan's ruling on foreign courts...[Also refers to Texaco (part of Chevron)]