China: Major toy brands accused of sourcing from factories with poor working & living conditions
China Labor Watch has released a report based on research into four Chinese toy factories that supply Hasbro, Disney, Mattel and Lego, as well as German makers Simba Dickie Group, Schleich and Ravensburger. The findings reveal:
- Excessive overtime (up to 175 hours per month) and breaks below minimum duration.
- Minimum wages that are below living costs
- Insufficient protective equipment on site: shortage of masks and gloves and defective quality, absence of training for handling of toxic chemical materials and operation of industrial machinery
- Living condition below decent standards: overcrowded and unsanitary dormitories and sanitary facilities
- Insufficient social insurance and claim calculations based on understated wages
- Lack of independent worker organizations and formal complaint mechanisms.
Read the full report here.
The articles below contain comments from Disney, Mattel and Lego.
In December 2018, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Hasbro, Simba Dickie Group, Schleich and Ravensburger to respond to the allegations. Hasbro and Ravensburger responded and their responses are included. Simba Dickie Group and Schleich did not respond.