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Şirketin Yanıtı

21 Mar 2011

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

China Railway Construction response regarding allegations of human rights abuses related to the activities of its subsidiary Corriente Resources in Ecuador

[Translation of the original company response in Chinese provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre] My company participates and invests in Ecuador’s copper project. We are currently undertaking preliminary research projects and have not yet formally entered the mining stage. We are not aware of any violations of rights of indigenous peoples; this claim has no basis in fact. In recent years our company has continued to expand overseas. As we expand, we are paying serious attention to and actively participating in community social welfare activities, actively fulfilling our social responsibility, and striving for the sustainable development of our enterprises and the happiness of the local community to achieve a win-win situation. We are also committed to environmental protection, focusing on energy efficiency, people-centered operations, and adherence to the concept that our business and employees grow together.

Part of the following timelines

Ecuador: Reporte sobre el impacto de Corriente Resources sobre los derechos humanos y el medio ambiente, incluyendo violencia contra activistas por parte de las autoridades

Ecuador: Report on the human rights abuses of mining projects by Corriente Resources, including alleged complicity with govt.'s violence - full report includes comments by the firm