Court date set for Koh Kong farmers [Cambodia]
More than six years after a sugar company bulldozed their farms in Koh Kong province, some 200 families who have held out ever since, arguing the action was illegal, will finally get their day in court on Thursday...In August 2006, a joint venture now majority owned by Thai firm Khon Kaen Sugar Industry Public...and then part-owned by Senator Ly Yong Phat was awarded a roughly 20,000-hectare economic land concession in Chikhor Leu commune. The villagers have argued that four months prior, partner companies Koh Kong Sugar Industry [joint venture KSL Group & Ve Wong]...and Koh Kong Plantation [joint venture KSL Group & Ve Wong]...illegally bulldozed 1,490 hectares of their farmland...Koh Kong Sugar Touch Chhay told the Post he might not attend the hearing as he had duties in Thailand that day.