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5 Ara 2023

The Guardian

Danish union joins strike action against Tesla by Swedish workers

Pressure grows on US electric car company to grant collective bargaining rights to employees

Denmark’s largest trade union has joined strike action by Swedish Tesla workers, piling pressure on the US electric car company to agree to collective bargaining rights for its employees. [...]

The Danish union 3F Transport, responding to a request from IF Metall, is joining the action in a “sympathy strike” aimed at preventing dock workers and drivers from receiving and transporting Tesla cars going to Sweden.

All members of the union are covered by the sympathy strike. The announcement comes amid speculation that Tesla could attempt to circumvent Swedish dock worker strikes by delivering their cars to Danish ports and transporting them by truck to Sweden.

Jan Villadsen, the chair of 3F Transport, said he hoped the move would help bring Tesla to the negotiating table.

“IF Metall and the Swedish workers are fighting an incredibly important battle right now. When they ask for our support, we are of course behind them. Just like companies, the trade union movement is global in the fight to protect workers.” he said.

“With the sympathy strike, we are now stepping in to put further pressure on Tesla. Of course, we hope that they come to the negotiating table as soon as possible and sign a collective agreement.” [...]

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