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Şirketin Yanıtı

10 Şub 2020


Debenhams' response

... [W]e were made aware by Better Factories Cambodia (BFC) that approximately 877 workers at Dignity Knitter Limited factory went on strike from the 17 January to 20 January 2020, due to December wages not being paid. Once notified we worked in collaboration with BFC and our supplier partner to understand more about the on-going situation. We have since received and confirmed the following updates:

  • The factory agreed to pay a first payment for the December wages, however as both parties did not reach complete agreement of all points, labour officials forwarded the collective dispute to the Arbitration Council.
  • The decision from the Arbitration Council meeting is expected mid-February 2020 and will outline timelines for compensation of the workers

As a partner member of BFC we are continuing to collaborate with them as they monitor the negotiations between the factory management and the workers’ union... We are also in contact with other brands and retailers that use the same factory to ensure that we are all working together to reach a solution. We will therefore continue to closely monitor... and provide support as they work to facilitate the agreement between all parties as part of the Arbitration Council...

[The full response is attached]

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