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30 Mar 2021

Denso's response

30 March 2021

DENSO established DENSO MYANMAR CO., LTD in Yangon in 2013. It has been manufacturing washer hoses and delivering them to DENSO group companies. We are deeply concerned about the recent loss of many precious lives and many injuries in Myanmar. We sincerely hope that the people of Myanmar will soon be able to return to a peaceful life.

With regard to the human rights initiatives you have inquired about, the Denso Group has established the Denso Group Sustainability Policy, which outlines the basic stance of the Group's shared social responsibility. In this policy, the DENSO Group states that it will not engage in labor that infringes on human rights or in any other similar activities. The DENSO Group will continue to strengthen employee education and other measures to ensure that human rights are respected.

For details of the DENSO Group Sustainability Policy and human rights initiatives, please refer to the following URL:



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