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29 Nis 2020

MVO Nederland

Dutch business association representing 2000 companies issues statement in support of mandatory due diligence legislation

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Note: This is an unofficial summary translation of the original Dutch statement.

"MVO Nederland: Government must set more ambitious frameworks for international responsible business conduct", 29 April 2020

The Dutch national government must encourage and support companies more ambitiously to tackle their negative impact on human rights and the environment along their international value chains. That is the view of MVO Nederland... The government should do this by adopting legislation and taking additional measures, such as encouraging real pricing and better provision of information. As a result, companies are better able to carry out their CSR risk management processes - also known as due diligence. In this way, they also contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accelerating the transition to a new economy with fair supply chains...

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