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21 Tem 2010

Compiled by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

EarthRights report on alleged corporate complicity in human rights abuses in Burma & company responses

In July 2010, EarthRights International released a report “Energy Insecurity: How Total, Chevron, and PTTEP Contribute to Human Rights Violations, Financial Secrecy, and Nuclear Proliferation in Burma (Myanmar)”. The report alleges that Total, Chevron and PTTEP, who operate the Yadana gas pipeline in Burma, are complicit in killings and forced labour committed by the Burmese army within the last year. Total’s response to the report was included in the article: “Chevron, Total Accused of Human-Rights Abuses in Burma”, by Vivienne Walt, TIME, 6 Jul 2010. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Chevron and PTTEP to respond to the report. Chevron declined to respond, and referred to Total’s website on the matter. PTTEP responded.

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