Ecuador plaintiffs target Chevron's assets in Brazil
Ecuadorean plaintiffs have filed a second lawsuit outside the Andean country, this time in Brazil, in a bid to enforce an $18 billion court ruling against…Chevron for polluting the Amazon...The legal case has spanned nearly two decades and is being watched closely by multinationals accused of pollution elsewhere in the world. Issued by an Ecuadorean court in Lago Agrio,…the original ruling was upheld by an appeals court in January - but Chevron has appealed to Ecuador's Supreme Court. Since Chevron no longer has assets in Ecuador, the plaintiffs are trying to get the ruling enforced outside the OPEC-member country. Last month they filed a legal lawsuit against the oil company in Canada…Chevron denies the accusations. It says Texaco did not pollute the jungle and that it properly cleaned up all the pits for which it was responsible.