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Şirketin Yanıtı

9 Eyl 2022

Esprit responded

1. Is Esprit applying a single global standard, aligned with the legal requirements set forth in the UFLPA, to exclude Uyghur forced labour across its supply chains, and to not bifurcate its supply chains?

Esprit has a clear policy on all forms and kinds of forced labour in its supply chain, our policies on human rights and due diligence are applied equally, with a single global standard and strict cross country and region controls.

2. Is Esprit committed to not re-exporting goods detained under the auspices of the UFLPA to other markets?

For the moment we do not have sale in US.

3. If Esprit is committed to the above statements, how is it implementing these commitments?

Esprit’s social sustainability systems and transparency commitments are the key in our implementation efforts . Esprit as a Greenbuttton certified brand since the first year of audits has integrated its due diligence process in to buying practices. Esprits transparency commitments that have been very clear from the start is a big part of our implementation. Esprit carries out internal and external traceability audits to check any breaches where any doubt arises and also randomly. Esprit as a member of FLA Fair Labor Association also is under review of their benchmarks and gets assessed both internally and via its supply chain.

4. If Esprit is not committed to a single global standard, how is it ensuring that goods imported into markets other than the United States are not tainted?


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