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25 May 2023

Peter McAllister, Ethical Trading Initiative

ETI calls on MEPs to support the JURI position on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

An open letter from our Executive Director, Peter McAllister:

Dear Members of the European Parliament, 

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is the EU’s flagship regulation on risk management in global supply chains under the European Green Deal. It is not only the transformational step forward needed by people and planet; it is also the support business has been calling for.

We urge you to vote in favour of the latest compromise for the CSDDD by the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI), on 1 June...

The JURI text addresses several of the points made in ETI’s recommendations. We welcome:

  • The strengthening of meaningful stakeholder engagement as part of the due diligence process.
  • The strengthening of shared responsibility for human rights along value chains.
  • The holistic risk-based approach to due diligence, which better captures downstream impacts on human rights.
  • The widened scope of companies to which the legislation applies and the strengthened applicability to the financial sector.

ETI also recognises the importance of keeping the CSDDD moving within a reasonable timeline. A successful vote on 1 June is vital to the delivery of a level playing field and harmonised approach across Member States.

In the interest of people, planet, and building upon the leading role of European business in global trade, we ask Members of the European Parliament to support the JURI position.

We thank you for your attention on this important matter.

Yours sincerely,

Peter McAllister

Executive Director

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