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15 Ara 2021

Family of Abdullah Ibhais

Family statement of Abdullah Ibhais 15th Dec 2021

fifg, Shutterstock (purchased)

Abdullah was sentenced to 3 Years in Jail; what happened today proves that Abdullah stands in front of a Kangaroo Court.

The verdict hearing for Abdullah Ibhais took place today in the court of Appeal in Doha, after a process that took three months, and after one month of the unjust detention to silence Abdullah, and following 30 days of Hunger Strike in which Abdullah has lost 20 kilograms of weight:

  • Abdullah was NOT brought to court today...
  • The Qatar Judge Naser al Dosari presided the verdict hear and announced the verdict although HE DID NOT ATEND the defense hearing, and DID NOT hear Abdullah's defense
  • The court lowered Abdullah's sentence from five to three years, although the alleged "bribery crime" did not take place as proven by the defense...
  • Abdullah's Hearing lasted for LESS THAN A MINUTE...
  • Until two hours after the court; Abdullah was not aware of the hearing results...

... We hold FIFA responsible for all Abdullah's suffering. It is FIFA's direct responsibility to protect whistleblowers and to ensure justice for world cup staff, especially when it comes to staff members who are being targeted for revealing human rights violations that took place in World Cup preparation

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