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Şirketin Yanıtı

8 Kas 2021


FIFA response re alleged retaliatory conviction of Qatar World Cup partner ex-employee in workers' rights whistleblowing

It is FIFA’s position that any person deserves a trial that is fair and where due process is observed and respected.

FIFA has duly received the complaint from Mr. Ibhais and replied to the complaint in writing, having carefully reviewed the available information about his case. We have since been in touch with our Qatari counterparts and on several occasions with Mr. Ibhais.

With respect to the workers’ welfare-related questions raised, FIFA was in touch with the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) at the time of the strike of migrant workers in August 2019 to ascertain whether the case related to FIFA World Cup workers, and respective mitigation measures put in place by the SC, and continues to work closely with the SC to help ensure workers preparing the FIFA World Cup 2022 are protected.

FIFA will continue to follow this matter closely.

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