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Şirketin Yanıtı

23 Mar 2020

Gap Inc.

Gap's response

We are deeply committed to maintaining responsible and ethical practices across our business and seek to uphold and advocate for the fundamental values and human rights of individuals and ethnic groups of all origins.

We can confirm that we do not source any garments from the XUAR region. We also recognize that a significant amount of the world’s cotton supply is grown and spun there. Therefore, we are taking steps to better understand how our global supply chain may be indirectly impacted, including working with our suppliers and actively engaging with industry trade groups, expert stakeholders, and other partners to learn more and advance our shared commitment to respecting human rights.

At Gap Inc., we have strict policies against the use of involuntary labor of any kind in our supply chain. Any instance of forced detention and labor or suppression of an individual’s human rights is unacceptable to us. Such conduct not only violates our Code of Vendor Conduct and Human Rights Policy, but also stands against our fundamental beliefs as a company.

As always, we will continue to actively collaborate with other brands and key stakeholders to explore and implement solutions. For more information on how the U.S. apparel industry is seeking to address this issue, please see the industry association statement published on March 10, 2020.

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