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Şirketin Yanıtı

15 Eyl 2022

Hermès responded


Hermès craftsmanship model (58% of objects are made in Hermès’ exclusive and in-house workshops, and 78% in France) relies on long lasting relationships with suppliers (+ 20 years of seniority in average with our top direct suppliers) based mainly in France and Europe.

The Group’s policy is to enforce compliance with major international Human Rights principles, as mentioned in the Hermès Code of business conduct and in the Code of Ethics...

Hermes is also committed through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) brief and supply chain brief documents which are shared with all its partners and specify the house’ requirements with regard to CSR issues for the supply of raw materials...

Hermès systematically requests a formal commitment from its suppliers to comply with the Human Rights above mentioned...

Hermès has set up a supplier audits policy to ensure commitment’s implementation within the supply chain, carried out by an independent third party, in the presence of a Hermès representative, with a strict monitoring of improvement action plans covering 100% of potential findings.

In the event of breaches of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Hermès will take appropriate remediation measures including the termination of the business relationship

[The full response is attached]

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