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Bu sayfa Türkçe dilinde mevcut değildir ve şu an English dilinde görüntülenmektedir

Şirketin Yanıtı

23 Mar 2020

H&M Group

H&M's response

... [W]e are deeply concerned by reports from civil society organizations and media that include accusations of forced labour and discrimination of ethnoreligious minorities in Xinjiang...

We do not source products from this region... [W]e have conducted an investigation at all the garment manufacturing factories we work with in China and... concluded that none of them are employing workers from Xinjiang through... labour transfer programmes. Our products are not connected to Huafu’s facility in Anhui province that is mentioned in the ASPI report. However, we have an indirect business relationship with another of Huafus units in Shangyu province. This said, we have reached out to Huafu on this topic following the release of the report and learnt that they have not extended the contract linked to the labor program.

... [W]e are in close contact with human rights experts, other brands, and stakeholders... to evaluate how we can further strengthen our due diligence and responsibly address the situation.

[The full response is attached]

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